Tuesday, April 1, 2008

about Tibet and politics

Have spent a lot of time lately looking up info and articles/news about Tibet. Having been in a Tibetan monastery in Nepal for while, and studying Tibetan Buddhism for awhile, I really have a feeling about what is going on in Tibet. I have been happy to see that Nancy Pelosi has a history of supporting Tibetan human rights and protested the Olympics going there. The fact that the Olympic committee is being so ho-hum about the unrest and abuses by the Chinese is a little shocking. I have also looked in to the UN Human Rights ccommittee and they don't seem to have done much in Tibet recently or have any plans to do so. Why is the Chinese activity in Tibet so overlooked by the rest of the world? Are govts. afraid of the Chinese? Please write to Nancy Pelosi and thank her for her activity. She even visited the Dalai Lama this March. She is very supportive of him. I am planning to do vigils next week when the torch comes through here. Blessings to all, pinkie

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